Robert Chifundo
Executive Director for Youth Forum for National Transformation (YOFONAT). Robert is an Economist by profession holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Economics and Youth Activist by passion with much focus on Gender Equality and SRHR. He believes in doing it now for life is unperfected.
Youth Forum for National Transformation (YOFONAT) is a youth based organization based at Mtandile which was established in 2018 and started ground work in December, 2019. YOFONAT currently has three Chapters; Lilongwe University of Agricultural and Natural Resources (LUANAR), Madisi and Lumbadzi in Dowa District. The organization was established to advance Youth agenda through four key Thematic areas; Gender Equality, Mental Health, Education and Skills Development and Environmental Management. YOFONAT works inline with National and Continental development pillars; Vision 2063 and Agenda 2063 through Trainings, Advocacy, Youth competitions, networking and Campaign.
YOFONAT is centred at harnessing the energy and leadership potential of young people so that they become active individuals to influence change through Human Rights based approach.
Achieving the society that recognizes and responds to the full range of the needs and gifts of young people