Our Programmes
HIV and Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) share common root factors on poverty, gender inequality, gender-based violence, barriers to access services, and stigma and discrimination. These severely affect young people.
Advocacy Programming
Our advocacy work is based on Meaningful youth engagement as a participatory process in which young people’s ideas; spearheading expertise, experiences, and perspectives that are integrated throughout programmatic, policy, and institutional decision-making structures to best inform outcomes.
Mental Health
It's hard enough to experience mental health problems, without having to face the judgment, shame and isolation that often surround them. That's why our strategic approach is to break the cycle and end mental health discrimination among the youth in all fronts.
Gender Equality
Gender equality benefits everyone, which is why it has been nominated as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal number five. Sustainable development relies on ending discrimination toward women and providing equal opportunities.
Capacity Building
Youth Wave aims at building capacity of the next generation of
young leaders in the communities to make their voices heard and to call for action. The program is an evidence-based leadership program which aims to build knowledge and skills in young people so that they can effectively advocate, educate and lead change in their communities. Designed to be led by young people for young people.